My First Ever Longleaf Review Issue As Co-Fiction Editor

Can I get a hell yeah?

The new issue of Longleaf Review is out!

It has been a truly amazing experience. Working with the readers, my co-editor Abigail Oswald (who totally rocks!), the notorious EIC Stephanie Trott (who is amazing and inspirational) and the other genre editors, has been wonderful and inclusive and I just can’t stop gushing about them!

I hope that you head on over to Longleaf Review and check out all the amazing writers and artists who contributed their hearts and art to us! And be on the lookout for our next issue’s submission call!

Also, I took this week off as well to help recover from the burn out I was/am feeling.

The SLQ Summer Workshop has been really good for me - I have written something for each day’s task - they might not be great but they have been written and posted.

I have also started a new art class on Skillshare to get some more fundamentals into my daily art practice… I fell asleep during my 5th lesson last night, so I don’t know how that’s going to go.

Finally, another big news is I applied to be a columnist for Wind & Root at Reckon Review and got the gig! Super excited to start this part of my writing journey!

I will be going back to my regularly daily to dos… including running 30 minutes a day (had to let that slide because it was literally giving me anxiety to do it) and hoping to add yoga and weights again (when we get some new barbells) to the routine but I need to keep reminding myself that I DON’T HAVE TO DO THESE THINGS and to consider self-care as saying no to stuff.

I hope that all is well with you and yours! Sending love and light and good vibes!