Best Microfiction Banner and Being Burnt Out
I am celebrating receiving my Best Microfiction banner this week! I know I have already posted about placing in the anthology but getting that banner made it feel a little bit more real.
So here’s to cheering myself with this accomplishment and supporting the wonderful person who chose to publish and then nominate my piece, She Has Lost Something Again, and placed it in their journal: Kourtney Jai and her beautiful literary magazine, The Birdseed. Thank you Kourtney! I also want to thank Meg Pokrass, Gary Fincke and Tania Hershman for choosing it!
This week has been pretty rough. I took a break from all of the daily to dos I have for myself because I was just getting overwhelmed and burnt out. and filled with anxiety. To the point where I wasn’t really able to get into the SmokeLong Summer Workshop I am participating in… It’s been bad. Last night, I had a break through and was able to write 3 new micros based the last 3 prompts this week - so I will celebrate that win.
I hope for better days to come. I hope to reset my outlook and give myself more grace and self-care. Wish me luck! And for those who may be going through some darkness, I see you. Take care of yourself.