Trusting My Voice

It’s a funny thing being a writer. One day, you are just so unsure of who you are and what you are doing, second guessing your style, your subject matter, your everything. The next day, you get your work accepted by journals you thought were out of your league for the very writing you thought might never find a place.

So, this week I am trusting my voice. I’m trusting my style and my subject matter. Who knows what next week, next month, next year will bring? Maybe more journals will also find value in my words, and if not, I’m sure my days of being unsure will just circle right back around again.

This week I am celebrating my acceptances at The Rumpus for six micros and Cream City Review for two. Getting my work into these journals has been a long time goal so I am honored that the stories they accepted were the ones about Hawai’i.

That’s about it for this week. As always, sending light and love and creativity!