Changing My Perspective To Write A Novel and This Year's #The100DayProject

I’m sure many of you have tried your hand at a novel or two or three or a dozen. I’ve joined NaNoWriMo so many times and I have failed at completing a single novel every time. Granted some years my goals were short story collections but some of those haven’t seen the light of day either.

If you’ve been following my little weekly updates, you know that I have been participating in a kind of Pitch Wars intensive since the beginning of the year. It has pushed me very far out of my comfort zone, but I am learning so much about how to really look at the novel writing process.

If you had told me five or ten or twenty years ago (hell, even three years ago), that I would actually plot and outline a novel or a story or anything before I wrote it, I would have said you were crazy. That’s not my style. I let the muse take me where it wills.

Yet, here I am with an entire novel plotted from start to finish. Chapters outlined. Beats almost finished. Plot A worked through. Considering Plots B,C,D… Who am I?

I think I owe a lot to my original #The100DayProject in 2021 (I made an excel filled with prompts for each day) for getting to this point where not only am I willing to outline something before I start writing it, but I am grateful for it.

I have spent the last week (and I will be writing right up to my deadline this Sunday) working on my first three chapters to submit to my group in my intensive.

As you know, I write short. Like really short. So trying to meet page/word counts for these chapters is BEYOND daunting.

I messaged the person who runs the intensive about it, worrying I would let my group members down because my chapters would be anemic. They were so supportive: It’s just a draft. It’s okay. You can weave in the other plots as you go. It’s like a croissant. You are just rolling out the first layer. (I’m sorry for stealing your metaphor but it works).

So you all - I am making a croissant but mine will be filled with haupia or ube instead of chocolate.

I have over 2000 words so far (the goal for the entire book is between 70-90K - I’m not going to freak. I’m not going to freak.) I am into the second chapter as of last night.

And all I have to remember and keep reminding myself is that it’s just a draft. I know where my character is. I know where she will go. I know how she will get there. The path is there. I just have to follow it.

So that brings me to this year’s #The100DayProject - I will be writing this novel and keeping track of my total word count each day for it. This word count can go up or down - based on generative writing or editing. It’s not about how much I write, but that I prioritize this novel and give it space in my life.

Also… and this freaked me out but excited me a little… I am considering not only writing this as either a sequel/trilogy, but I may even dabble in the sci-fi market with another novel…. again WHO AM I?

Thank you for being here on my journey through writing and reading my weekly crazy. As always, sending light and love and lots of creativity!