Zombies, Flesh Crickets, and Sugar Sugar Salt

Sounds like an interesting recipe, doesn’t it?

My column in Reckon Review’s Wind & Root is up and it was really fun to write. Probably not as interesting as my doodling or ukulele playing but it is a part of my life - check it out if you haven’t already - Flexing My Creative Muscles: Running from Zombies, My Apple Watch Overlord, & My Health.

My interview with Sage Tyrtle at the Crow Collective is also up at the podcast Flesh Cricket - check it out HERE!

Finally, I have two micros coming out with Sugar Sugar Salt tomorrow (which will most likely be in the middle of the night for me lol). Really happy these found another home!

And…finally, finally, I got 2 acceptances this week!! One from Short Story Today’s Valentines Episode as well as an acceptance from a place I can’t talk about yet BUT I REALLY WANT TO (I am waiting on permission to blast it on social media)!

As always, stay safe and sending light, love, creativity and no zombies (unless that’s what you like).