My Book Arrived in Japan!

Today will be short and sweet! My book arrived and if you follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, you have seen my video and know my joy and my jiggling lol if not, here you go…

I want to thank my editor, Edward Vidaurre, at Flowersong Press for accepting my collection and suggesting it be a part of their new imprint Juventud Press for Children’s and Young Adult Literature. I also want to thank the press’ typesetter and formatter, Priscilla Celina “Lina” Suarez, who worked with my OCD-like issues with formatting.

Finally, I want to thank all of my wonderful blurbers who read my work and wrote such wonderful words for me! Thank you Cathy Ulrich, Shareen Murayama, Amy Cipolla Barnes, Hannah Greico, and Liz Prato!!

Last year, I was interviewed by Constance Malloy for her The Burning Hearth blog and in it I discussed the process of writing all the stories, publishing them, collecting them, subbing the collection, over and over and over. So, if you are interested int that, please check it out.

Oh, and stupid me… I forgot to thank all of you who preordered/ordered my book… THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It means so much to me!

Light and love to you all. Mahalo Nui Loa!