Believing In The Good Of Literary Twitter

This week was rough. Being singed by the literary twitter dumpster fire was exhausting. I had to remove 2 published work from a journal because of it (and a third, done in collaboration with other writers, will probably come down soon as well).

I read a lot of tweets about how writers were dealing with it and discussed it in a few group chats too. I am being vague because for me this blog is to talk about my writing/creative life and I don’t want to dwell on the horror of what that mag supports.

So I want to celebrate all of the good people and mags I know and connect with on twitter. Thank you for publishing my work and the work of all of these amazing writers.

And to add to this, I received an acceptance, this morning, for two of my previously published micro cnf from Sugar Sugar Salt and it was a salve to this week of crazy.

I want to send love, light and creativity to all of you! I hope you get lots of acceptances and writing done! I believe in you.