Well, not really but it sure feels like that when September first rolls around.

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. I took some pics for promoting my book. Bought a backdrop for cheap, did my makeup and hair, used a phone. I am not paying a professional because I can’t really afford it but I think they turned out okay. I finished my edits on the manuscript and sent it back to the publisher.

I also made an instagram account for my ukulele playing so there is that. I feel kind of weird about it. We will see how it goes.

So, here’s the thing about all of these mags opening for submission. A LOT OF THEM are places that everyone considers dream journals as do I, but I haven’t submitted to them in years because the writing I am doing now doesn’t seem to fit.

Also I have major anxiety and imposter syndrome about attempting to submit what I write now since they didn’t really like the stuff I wrote then. That being said… WHY THE EFF NOT!?! Seriously, I am going to write the eff out of some new stuff and send them to all of these journals. Why limit myself? Why be afraid? And even if I get rejected, at least I tried. (As you can see I am trying to convince myself…always lol)

And to all the writers who are reading my crazy … YOU CAN DO IT TOO! Write! Submit! Let’s do this!!