Short Story Collection Acceptance and My First Zoom Reading

Last Saturday, I received the amazing news about my short story collection being accepted at Juventud Press, an imprint of FlowerSong Press.

I have been submitting this collection since the fall of 2016, and it had placed in two competitions - with every rejection, I kept asking myself what am I doing. I had it in Submittable with two publishers for about three years without any acknowledgement.

So, I decided to wipe the slate clean and start again when I found that FlowerSong Press was looking for non-simultaneously submitted manuscripts, and thought why not? They looked like a place searching for BIPOC writing that couldn’t find a home in traditional presses.

I am so happy that I did.

Today, I was lucky enough to participate in Readings on the Pike hosted by Hannah Greico. It was nerve-wracking but definitely a great experience. I hope I get asked to do more!

I am also working through Jaime Attenberg’s Mini1000 - which I have had moderate success at… I am always trying to do my best but sometimes it’s rough. This blog will probably be today’s word count because I am still recovering from the reading this morning.