First and Second Acceptances of the Year

Phew… I am going to be honest. I didn’t think I would have anything accepted so soon. Lots of rejections since I started submitting in late January (after not writing for over six months).

What surprised me more than anything is that both pieces were stories I wouldn’t have normally written if I hadn’t decided to do my 100 days of flash challenge. Trying to write a story every day with my prompt lists and workshops has really helped me to push myself creatively.

Whenever I used to write outside of my comfort zone, I felt like all of my work lacked resonance. They were just words on a page maybe artfully arranged and possibly pretty to read but I felt no emotional connection.

I am going to take these acceptances as an affirmation of my writing life this year and I will hope for more!

Daily Challenges Update:

  • Writing - 33 bits of flash - fiction and non-fiction

  • Music - Learning new chords, picking, scales, hammer ons and offs and how to play the chord melody for La Vie En Rose

  • Art - Started a new monthly challenge for March. It’s been fun!