Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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I have always wondered about this one as one of the seven. People are rarely humble and man don’t get me started on the humble brag.

That being said today is a celebration!

I am celebrating and proudly bragging un-humbly about my first ever Pushcart Nomination from Milk Candy Review and the wonderful Cathy Ulrich for my Avon Calling You an Autumn When You Know You Are Summer!

I would also like to mention my Best of the Net nomination from The Daily Drunk and the awesome Shawn Berman for my sexy little flashy micro about Catwoman - Superheroes Don’t Do That!

And just a little “secret” wish… I am hoping for some Best Microfiction nominations as that is pretty much what I published most this year. If not, that’s cool… but I would really really really love one - just putting it out into the universe.

Scrawl Place published my little flash of Pele - The Lady in White - on Monday!

I had my first official piece of commissioned art published on Monday as well for Flash Frog - The Allelopaths by Jessica June Rowe!

FlashNano is still going… losing some of that initial spark but sometimes you gotta keep writing, even when it’s crap and hope you can get to the good stuff again (this is something I am not very good at and I am working on it but I definitely will need a break from the daily writing for a couple of days for sure before my next workshop).

Sending positive and proud vibes out into the ether for all my fellow artists!