Do I Get to Keep My Job For Another Year?
Every year I have to interview for my job. It’s super stressful - the interview and the lack of job security.
I know that it is highly unlikely I will lose my job but you never know. I always try to think of it as a job review. Something most companies do to touch base with their employees.
My reviews are pretty positive. I mean I do my job well. At least I like to think so. I have had at least one sub par review but that was from a teacher who just didn’t like how I worked with her. Can’t please everyone.
Job security aside, the interview always gets me. I wish that I could do it in English. Adding Japanese to an already stressful situation, my brain wants to shut down. I am not fluent. I don’t really study, speak, read as much as I should. I can listen well enough. Need that skill just to communicate in the staff room with my co-workers.
In the back of my mind, I have that little voice that says what if this is the year they let you go…what will you do? And I answer I have no idea.