A New Year's Surprise!

I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks. The holidays were the holidays and I started playing Red Dead Redemption 2. So, I was extremely surprised and happy to see that when I logged in to my site that I had an entirely new look! I want to say a big thank you to my friend and sometime collaborator, Sean, for working so hard on updating it!

Thank you! It looks amazing!

I also received my banjolele which sounds wonderful and is heavier than I I thought it would be.

I think most people contemplate their New Year’s resolutions around this time but I think this year I have some general goals not necessarily resolutions because that’s too much pressure.

  • Write

  • Publish

  • Practice ukulele and guitar

  • Study for the next JLPT

  • Try to be healthy

Again, thank you so much for my awesome new look Sean!