End of the Year Parties

It’s that time of the year when co-workers in Japan try to forget about the year and it’s troubles by eating really bad, or sometimes, really amazing food and drinking way too much beer and shochu - or if you are lucky wine, scotch, nihonshu or cocktails.

People pouring drinks for each other, sometimes as a hazing, sometimes as a way to bond. I have on occasion poured drinks as a way to avoid a nasty hangover the next day (if you pour, you usually don’t have to drink) but being the only foreigner and a pretty large person, I am always expected to drink.

People not eating the food served to them because they are too busy pouring or talking to eat. I always eat. Unless it’s really bad food…. I haven’t had the bad luck like some of my friends to go to places that serve worse food than a vending machine.

People not drinking alcohol and still being expected to drink whatever liquid they chose for the night. The act of pouring and the act of receiving are just as important whether there is booze in the glass or not.

People sitting and waiting for drinks to be poured for them. I usually fall into this category because I find it too much of a pain in the ass to go around and pour drinks for people and not receive the benefit of not drinking.

I have my end of the year party tonight. At least it’s at a fancy place serving Japanese food. I am hoping for nihonshu tonight. Cross my fingers.