Tea and Words Hangout, OMG NEWS I CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT, YET, and the Writing Life

To all my friends in the UK and Europe, please join me for a little tea and words Saturday, May 25 at 8am GMT!! Let’s hangout and talk writing, do some writing, or whatever catches our fancy! Email me at melissallanesbrownlee @ gmail dot com for a spot! I would love to spend time with you! Anyone near my time zone is also welcome - I am talking to you my Australian, New Zealand, and Singaporean friends!

AND YOU ALL I HAVE THE BEST NEWS!! I can’t say anything until the official announcement Saturday (US time, most likely) but it’s huge! I am still in shock!! I hope you check all my socials for it!! Wooohooooo!!!

In light of my big news, I just wanted to reflect a little on this life we choose to lead. We create all of these amazing things and put them out into the world, always waiting for that rejection, always hoping for that acceptance, and yet we have to go about our day doing our jobs, living our lives, taking care of the people we love. It’s weird. Since I made the decision to focus on my writing, making it a priority in my life, giving it the space and time it needs, I have found that while not always sunshine and rainbows, this life, all of you in this life with me, are worth it. So I am grateful to be here in this with all of you!

Sending light and love, and as always, creativity!