My Yearly Health Check and My Mental State
I just had my yearly health check this week and let me tell you … it wasn’t good… and you know what? I knew it wouldn’t be. Why would my best year so far as a writer dovetail into one of my most recent bad health years? I think it’s the stress and pressure I have put on myself this past year.
And even though the pandemic is over, I feel like I am still suffering the after effects of the stress of trying to be and keep myself, my family, and my students safe.
You’d think that having such a bad health check would spiral me into a depression - the last bad health check made me start running - but I’m not depressed.
I think it’s more an affirmation of the bad choices I have made this year and ALSO I am getting older… shit is harder… like seriously… even though I eat vegan for the majority of my weekday meals (to help with my cholesterol), I still eat meat on weeknights and weekends and I drink alcohol.
I’m sure my alcohol consumption while not at the levels of grad school in Las Vegas (no one needs to go through a crate of 2 buck chuck in less than a week), I know that I have probably been drinking more than I should because of, you know, stress.
I know I am all excuses and I need to get my shit together but I am just waiting for that moment where I pick myself back up again and start taking better care of my physical self because I know it will help my mental self (which I have spent a lot of my brain power on this past year -writing is work you all - don’t you think it’s not).
So here’s me being honest with you all… maybe more honest than I should be but it’s who I am. As always, sending light, love and creativity. Thanks for reading and being here with me.