To Substack or Not To Substack

There’s this strange pressure to monetize so many aspects of our writing lives - the most recent one to enter my consciousness is Substack.

I mean yes I could just use it like I do this blog - instead of writing weekly here, I could write weekly there. I did try to see if I could just tie these two things together without having to do double duty but Squarespace does not play well with others.

If I were to offer paid content, there’s the pressure to actually offer something worth the time and money of the people who want to subscribe. Do I want to do that to myself? Add one more thing to the pile of things I do to be a writer? It’s not like I haven’t consider Ko-Fi or Patreon or even selling merch with my art on it from my website.

On the flip side, I barely have enough money to pay for other people’s content. I don’t even have enough to pay for submission fees. So, how could I expect others like me to pay for whatever I am selling? It just seems wrong.

What do you all pay for? What do you think is worth your time and money? Do you think paying for a Substack or supporting a writer on Substack is worth it to you?

As for my writing life, I got a couple of wonderful things that I can’t share but I am so damn happy and excited. I am still on my break from writing my novel. I know. I know. I need to get back to it. I will. I promise. (that’s for me lol I’m promising myself)

As always, sending light and love and creativity! Remember to give yourself space and keep to your own pace!