Buckle Up! Here Comes My Monthly Existential Crisis

So yeah… you ever have those days, weeks, months (possibly years) where you look at your life and go what the eff am I doing? That’s me today.

I try my best to stay positive and just keep writing and submitting and participating in the literary world as best as I can but some days are easy and some days are so hard you can’t seem to drag your brain out of its dark spiral.

And there’s not a damn thing you can do but just wait it out and know (and hope) that it will pass.

I’m still working on the novel and solved one of the problems I knew I would face, so that was really positive but not enough to stop this stupid wave of dread.

I have many wonderful and amazing things happening in my life and I will keep reminding myself that they are there.

As always, sending light and love and creativity!