Yay to My First Workshop and You All Should Try to Write a NiF for Flash Nano
I think my first workshop through Crow Collective was a success. I’ve gotten great reviews from some of the participants. I was a nervous wreck but apparently it didn’t come through. I think for some it was a new way at looking at how to use other art forms to get the mind ready to write. Zen doodles were mentioned! And the writing and art that were shared were amazing! So much good stuff generated! So happy for everyone who joined!
I was hoping to teach another one like this year but the soonest I can schedule another one is in March so if you are interested in finding a new way into your writing, I hope you sign up when it’s live! Also, there might be a different one in April or May… keep your peepers peeled (oh that’s kind of gross lol).
So November and NaNoWriMo are almost here!
I wanted to mention that I participated in Nancy Stohlman’s Flash Nano in 2021 and wrote Kahi and Lua during it!
If you are looking for a way to write a novella in flash and you have some characters that keep talking to you, may I suggest putting them through the ringer with Nancy’s prompts? It might be a fun and exciting way to generate an entire book in a month (that’s not a novel lol)!!
Also if you haven’t picked up Kahi and Lua, I would love if you did, because it’s fun and experimental and little bit crazy!
I hope that in this dark moment you are finding light and meaning. Sending light, love and creativity to you my friends.