Cobra Milk Publication, Virtual Launch, and Summer Vacation
I have a new publication in Cobra Milk! It was inspired last year by a tweet from Barlow Adams and my love for Jeff Goldblum - check it out here if you haven’t read it yet! There is also a virtual launch event on Tuesday, August 9 at 5pm PST where I will be reading - sign up here!
Also, I just started my summer vacation yesterday with almost 2 whole weeks of not having to go to work and deal with possibly getting sick from all of the kids going to sporting events around my region.
I am hoping to keep writing with Smokelong’s summer workshop and I joined Sarah Freligh’s #amicroaday for August.
I will start reading for Longleaf Review as the submissions roll in - click here if you haven’t submitted yet! We have our Wayback issue and our Halloween submission call! Send us the goods!
As always, I am sending you all lots of love and creativity. Stay safe out there!