Music in My Life and My Writing

I know you all are probably sick of hearing me talk about this on Twitter but I am just so proud of myself - recording music for Mr. Bear’s Violet Hour podcast was really challenging.

Singing and playing and trying very hard not to make a mistake, while using my laptop and my phone, over and over, and still not getting a good recording, was so difficult. I hope one day to get more professional gear but for now this is it.

Check out Mr. Bear reading my work and showcasing me singing two Hawaiian songs, “Makalapua” and “Aloha ‘Oe,” while playing the ukulele, as well as an original song “It All Seems Like.”

I haven’t written a new song in ages but I did spend the last two years upping my ukulele skills - you can see my last 30-day challenge on my ukulele instagram account @lumchanukulele.

As you know (if you have been reading my crazy), I just finished a 30-day beginner’s guitar challenge which was fun and I can see how consistently playing my ukulele has made me more comfortable with the guitar as well.

I would also like to celebrate an acceptance (for a reprint) this week with Syncopation Literary Journal! It travels through time and movies - their music an essential aspect to the story.

Also, I really dig the aesthetics of this journal - music is such an essential part of my life - from playing the piano at four, to singing in choirs, choruses, glee clubs, jazz ensembles, to focusing on playing the ukulele and guitar now - music has always been there, and let’s not forget the songs on the radio, the cassettes, the albums, the cds, the mp3s, the streams, on movies, tv shows, the stage - or if you have a large family like me the luaus and parties where everyone kanikapila with their various instruments and voices.

I am looking forward to the publication.

Finally, I may never be a “musician” but it’s nice to keep trying to improve my skills.

Wherever you are, I hope that you are finding light and love in the things that give you joy!