Dealing with Disappointment and Spec Fic Workshopping

My chapbook didn’t win for The Fall 2021 Black River Chapbook Competition, and that’s okay (I tell myself in my half asleep, checking my email at 2 in the morning, brain). I don’t know why I haven’t spiraled yet. Maybe because I am too busy with all the other things I decided was a great to add to my life. That being said, I have it at another place so here’s to hoping it places/gets published there. If not, it’s an opportunity to add to it and sub it somewhere looking for longer work.

I am currently in a speculative fiction workshop hosted by Chloe Clark! I am so behind but it’s good to stretch myself in that direction. The prompts are fire and the workshop group has some wonderful work they are generating. I hope to add to that soon.

As always, I am waiting for the eventual avalanche of rejections (and maybe one acceptance, or two?). All I can do is just keep writing and doing my best! Hope you all are too!