Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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An Awesome Interview And Posting Daily Ukulele Vids To Instagram

This week I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Constance Malloy for her The Burning Hearth blog! It was a really great experience. She had wonderful and thoughtful questions and she let me ramble on and on about my life and my writing. Please check it out if you want to learn about my special kind of crazy.

Yesterday was my sixteenth day of posting a daily video of my ukulele playing to my ukulele Instagram account - if you want to see me embarrass myself, click here.

I am participating in Bernadette Plazi’s #2021UkeChallenge for September which is a chord melody challenge. I am not a big fan of seeing myself on video or in photos so just getting over my insecurities of how I look has been the bigger challenge than how I am actually playing the music.

I have been writing a little bit here and there. The novel is definitely backburner right now. I am hoping for more work to submit to ALL THE MAGS but I am going to be content with some of them.