I Need to Focus on the Positive
I tell myself as I wallow in my current bout of depression and imposter syndrome.
I feel like a damn broken record. Maybe because I always write this on a Friday, the week pressing down on me.
So, here’s me trying to focus on the positive in my life.
Two publications this week!!
This is a Story About That Can of Tuna You Left on the Counter in The Cabinet of Heed Literary Journal -
which was one of the first stories I wrote this year… the last being something in May of last year.
The First Word in Bright Flash Literary Review - which I wrote in Tommy Dean’s workshop in April.
I have nine more publications scheduled for this year. I am hoping for more.
I am trying to write another novel and wondering if I should query an agent about it before I complete it. I think it’s frowned upon but I might just risk it. What’s life without a little risk?
My running isn’t going so well. Neither is my weight loss but I am trying not to focus on that so much. My art is okay. So is my ukulele playing. I won’t be an expert but I might one day not be embarrassed by either.
Writing this has actually helped me a little so thank you blog and thank you readers - whomever you may be.