A Week To Celebrate

So why do I still have imposter syndrome? Seriously.

The Good:

First up is I read my short story “To Ever Love One Girl” published last summer in Milk Candy Review on Micro, a podcast for micro and flash fiction, prose and poetry. I share the ether with Kathy Fish and Matt Michael. I was so glad it got such a wonderful reception.

Next, I have a new story “Tributary” at (mac)ro(mic)! I am so glad it found a home! It is the first piece to be published from the workshop I recently took with Kathy Fish.

Also, I am currently in a workshop with Tommy Dean that has been really great as well!

And, finally, news I can share…. My short story “A Primo Place to Stay” published last year in The Citron Review was selected for Best Small Fictions 2021.

The Bad:

I’m tired. The cases in Tokyo have increased and there is no vaccinations in sight.

The Ugly:

I will be honest here… I feel like I don’t deserve the Best Small Fictions award. I know it’s stupid but I feel like there are so many better writers out there, and why anyone would choose to read or publish my work is crazy.

My solution:

I will celebrate all the good things in my life right now. I will mark these special milestones and create space for them in my life. I will continue to write and submit and feel worthy of what I am doing with my life.

Also, this 100 days of flash has been really great. I think I might just keep going with it.