What Is Going On Out There?
Until yesterday, I was staying home and safe during my winter vacation.
Then, I went to school after discovering that an elementary school in my city had several cases of infection. Almost ten, in fact. And yet, we still had school but now with the caveat of no talking while eating (or without a mask). The students still have after school activities and sporting events. I just try to keep myself as safe as possible in an impossible situation, but it definitely doesn’t help my stress or anxiety.
Then, I found out that protestors had stormed the US Capitol and I thought to myself what the hell is going on and where was the armed response - where were the soldiers and police officers with water cannons and tazers and “non-lethal” force to subdue these obviously dangerous individuals… I just couldn’t grasp why these people were allowed to do what they did. I can tell you that if I had tried to storm the Capitol, I would be dead, in the hospital or in jail.
Today, I am doing my best to just deal with my feelings of what’s happening in the world while I teach my students.
I now interrupt this crazy diatribe with some GOOD NEWS: I got nominated for 2020 Best Small Fictions from The Citron Review for my short story “A Primo Place to Stay.” So I am very happy to have received two nominations for work I published last year.
So my goals for this year… try to run faster, create something daily and play the ukulele every day.