Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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I Got the Submission Paralysis

I haven’t had anything accepted and published in over a year. I have only two stories currently out there in the ether. In the past few weeks I thought that because I was busy with the new school year, I just didn’t have time to submit anywhere, but upon reflection, I literally think that I have a mental block up. I just haven’t been submitting because I can’t. I feel paralyzed with the possibility of failure. Again.

I know this is common to all writers. I see it in Twitter feeds filled with frustration. And elation when acceptances abound. It’s definitely manic.

Unfortunately, this paralysis is affecting my other areas of creativity. I don’t play music. I don’t knit. I don’t crochet. I barely did anything at art night last night.

I have a ten day holiday from work starting tomorrow. Yay to a new emperor and to the Japanese holidays lining up because I think I need a recharge. Maybe it will shake me free from all of this. To start me off right I intend to submit something after throwing this out into the world.