Why Can’t I Stop Comparing Myself to Others?
I know we all do it. It’s impossible not to.
We are all constantly compared to others, since I assume, we were born. So, why shouldn’t we internalize it and do it to ourselves?
I think this is the reason why I am so unhappy all of the time. Instead of sharing in the joy of others’ successes, I find myself depressed because I am not successful. I am not getting my work accepted. I am not getting published.
I start to believe that there must be something wrong with me - that I’m not worthy of other people’s time or interest.
I know that this isn’t true but it’s hard not to wallow in self-pity and self-recrimination when other people are doing so well and I am on year four of trying to get my short story collection published.
I need to focus on the positives of my life. I have a job which allows me to write during my free time. I have a life that’s easy and not very stressful. I have family and friends who are super supportive. I have so many good things in my world to be happy about.
No comparisons are needed.