Tennessee Unbound
Sorry for the lack of posts. I usually try to write my blog even during vacations but I literally lost track of days. And yesterday was just a crazy day of presentations, hot sun and bike repair with a topping of all you can eat shabushabu.
Tennessee is beautiful. And green. So green.
One of the rivers we swam in...
There is a lot of water too.
We drove all over East Tennessee, into North Carolina and Virginia too. Camped on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Tasted moonshine in Gatlinburg. Discovered the awesomeness of Dollywood. Ate so much delicious food. Took a boat ride on an underground lake. Toured an infamous prison.
Moonshine tasting and Sugarlands!
But most importantly, we learned about the homes of the friends who took us there.
We also visited a pretty cool brewery and campground literally down the street from my friend’s parents’ place. Great beer. Good food. Beautiful music.
Musicians at Lilly Pad Brewery
It was an awesome trip. Wish we had more time.