Another Story Found A Home

I am very grateful to post something positive on my blog since most of the time it's woe is me and bitching about not writing.

My latest story will hopefully be in print in January. I am very excited. When I first released this story into the wild, I was worried it wouldn't be well received. It had been rejected seven times before finally being accepted. The wants and needs of editors as I have mentioned before can be frustrating but I do understand that every journal and magazine has aesthetics they have to meet but it doesn't make it any easier to get rejected.

With this story as well as the graphic story “Tita” (created with my amazing friend and awesome artist Sean Marmon) going to print in October and “My Kuleana” being printed in the yearly anthology of the Baltimore Review this past summer, I have much to be happy for…now if I could just get my short story collection published somewhere…

I know. I know. I should be content with the happiness I have now but I can keep trying to reach for more, right?

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