Celebrating Best Microfiction 2022 and Acceptance at Smokelong!
I hope you all aren’t sick of me talking about this yet.
I am still in shock at both pieces of good news this week, and I always try to use my blog to talk about the good and the bad of what’s been going on with me. So here it is!
My micro, “She Has Lost Something Again” which first appeared in The Birdseed, Volume 1, Issue 1, July 31, 2021, was selected for Best Microfiction 2022!! Woohoooo!!
Then, in the very same hour, day, evening, another micro I wrote was accepted at Smokelong Quarterly!! This one was written in Sarah Freligh’s workshop last fall. I have submitted to SLQ since 2016, maybe once a year or so, and much more frequently as of last year when I decided to just commit to writing and submitting.
I am just so honored and grateful for these amazing things. I owe so much to everyone out there in the writing community for all of their care and support. I don’t think I would be here, actively involved in our community, if it weren’t for all of you. Thank you!!