I Ran 10K And Didn’t Collapse
It’s all in the title. I ran it. I didn’t die.
I was slow af but I finished and never once stopped.
I have always been great at endurance but not so great at speed.
I have a lofty goal of a 30-minute 5K. Maybe by next year?
I am not hardcore training or anything. I am just trying to lose weight and get healthy.
I am super grateful for Zombies, Run. Between their story missions and additional content like Run the Solar System, I don’t think I could have done any of this.
I signed up for my very first virtual race - medal, bib, tank top and all. I am really looking forward to it, surprisingly.
Also as an aside, still getting rejections on my submissions (as well as only selling one zine - to a friend, thanks). I am hoping that this year is better than last but I can only do what I do and write what I write.