Wigleaf Top 50 Longlist, Best Microfiction 2024 and Hangout with Me

Every year, we wait patiently for the lists… Wigleaf’s Top 50 being one of them. Even though, I didn’t make the Top 50, it’s always an honor to be recognized. There are a lot of us out there writing, submitting and getting flash published, so it’s no easy feat having to find, read, choose writers for the final judge to select. I am grateful, always.

If you haven’t read “Or Better Yet” first published in The Cincinnati Review miCRo series, or the mongooses of Pahala” first published in The Rumpus, I hope you do!

I got my Best Microfiction 2024 in the mail!! Yay!

Finally, I hope that you will join me at my next to hangouts!! Send me an email for the zoom (melissallanesbrownlee @ gmail dot com).

I hope that you are all well and staying safe. Sending light, love and creativity!