Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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Literary Namjooning Launch, an AWP Table, and the Dreaded Yearly Health Check

You guys!! The response to the launch of Literary Namjooning has been wonderful! I am so grateful to Hema (and Lakshmi) for inviting me to be a part of it and to celebrating her sister and self care.

All of the pieces we chose had that certain Namjoon-quality to it. I’m just blown away by the author notes and everyone’s willingness to share their self care and themselves with us!

I hope that you take some time out over the next few days to savor these wonderful writers and their gorgeous words! I think we plan to spread out each piece over the coming months so that everyone can get a little more Namjooning in their lives

More awesome news: Brett from Ghost Parachute and I (representing Literary Namjooning and my books) will be sharing a table at AWP!! Thanks to a generous donation from Mythic Picnic for the table I am now covered for my conference fee!! So excited!! I have PLANSSSSS!!!

Finally, I had my first endoscopy at my yearly health check… and you guys… it was horrible. I never want to do that again. I’m looking for places that will put me out next time. Other than that, the usual, but my cholesterol is lower than last year so I will take that for a win.

Sending light and love and so much creativity!

PS: I hope you’ve been enjoying my weekly ukulele videos! Let me know if you have any requests and I will see if I have the music or can get it!