Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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Trying NOT To Compare Myself To Other Writers (And Flash Frog Acceptance)

This has always been a big problem for me. Still is.

It doesn’t help that since I have been aiming at higher tier literary mags, my publication rate has definitely slowed down. I haven’t had anything new published since February. And my next tentative pub date is April 24th (The Rumpus!! Yay!).

I see so many writers around me getting book deals, publishing their work (and books) all over the literary sphere, and I HAVE to remind myself that they are not me. I have my own pace and my own space and I need to honor that and not push myself so hard that I start to hate my art and myself.

Some days are easier than others but as you all know it’s a struggle.

All I can do is try not to break myself writing this novel (and remember that I should be enjoying the process and not damaging the part of me that loves to write, pushing myself just because I need a novel - because I am going to be honest, I am starting to question that as well). And for those who read last week’s talk story, yes… I am still on a break. I wanted to start writing the novel again but I think I need more space from it.

So here’s me reminding myself (again)… I am me and no one else. I have my own path and I am not on anyone else’s. I will be gentle and kind. I will give myself space.

To anyone reading this, give yourself space and honor your art and yourself. Sending love and light and creativity to you!

Also good news on the acceptance front - After two years of submitting (16 submissions), I finally got an acceptance from Flash Frog! Wooohooo!