Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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My Micros in The Rumpus and Treating Myself to a New Guitar

What a wonderful week it’s been - starting with six of my micros being published in The Rumpus!

Thank you to everyone who has read and shared my work on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram! I really appreciate all of you! Thank you to Reena Shah for accepting my pieces as well as working on them with me! I am so grateful. Thank you to Lisa Marie Forde for the amazing art!

I also bought myself a new guitar! I know. I know. I have 2 already and too many ukulele but the guitars I have aren’t easy to just pick up and play. I bought an Enya because I like composites (and I have 2 of their ukulele already) and it’s slim and I can just play it easily. I am learning “Flowers” by Miley Cyrus so that’s been fun this week.

So why did I buy myself a guitar? Because I needed something fun and musical and nothing to do with writing. Also, I had some money put aside from my rejection cup and decided to treat myself. Sometimes using the money I make writing only on writing-related things makes me sad (or I am just being weird this week I don’t know lol).

(psssst… I haven’t written anything new since the beginning of April and you know what? That’s okay.)

I hope that you all do something nice for yourself this week! Sending light and love and creativity!