Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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Fractured Lit Acceptance, Writing Longform and AWP FOMO

Let’s start this week’s talk story with a little acceptance dance! Fractured Lit will be publishing one of my micros!! Woohooo!! I don’t know when, but I’m pretty damn excited about it!

I would also like to celebrate that I was able to write over a thousand words yesterday on my novel. MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND WORDS!! That’s a lot for me. You all know I write short… like really really short… so I am grateful that it wasn’t a struggle to write that many words in one sitting. I just hope they are good words and that I can keep most of them in the editing process. I also hope that I can keep it up.

Finally, I have hardcore FOMO for AWP - it was the one year I thought it would be a possibility for me to go as Seattle is as close to Japan as AWP might get for a while, but like most of us, I’m broke, worried about getting sick, had no vacation days, and it’s graduation on Monday - I guess if I had the money and the time off, I could have made it work (I even had a free place to stay!). Maybe one day I will get to attend again.

Wish me luck on writing my novel! Sending light and love and creativity!