Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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Launching Kahi and Lua, Interviews, and a Longlist

So my novella in flash Kahi and Lua, is officially in the world - and I have received so many wonderful comments about it! Thank you so much to everyone who has bought a copy!!

I will be honest I was scared to see this one in the world because it’s weird and strange and a mix of my styles of writing. I am so glad that I am not crazy and that it’s actually something that people might want to read.

This week has been a strange one with two invitations to be interviewed! Talk about surreal. Another scary situation… opening up about yourself and your writing.

And finally, I am on the longlist at Forge Literary for their contest!! Yay!!

That’s about it for the week.

I will be finishing up my ukulele challenge today, hopefully. It’s been a rough one. More on that in my next Reckon Review column in late October!

As always, stay safe and I hope you find some space for yourself!