Reconsidering My Writing Goals
If you have been following my crazy so far, you may know that I am attempting to write a Novel in Flash for #The100DayProject.
Status update: It’s not going well.
I know I can do better, but I am wondering if what I am writing needs to be a novel or not. There are parts of it I really don’t want to write. And it’s these parts that make me feel kind of useless as a writer. So I have decided to finish out #The100DayProject and see what comes of it. And then reevaluate it.
My other writing goals are to just keep writing and pubbing. I am going to try and branch out to print/university journals again.
Lastly, an acceptance and a couple of rejections so far this week. The acceptance is awesome and the rejections have been kind. One in particular was very generous.
Today is graduation for my 3rd years (9th graders), so the morning was filled with happiness and a little sadness. They were so tiny when they started out as 1st years (7th graders). It’s so amazing to see how much they have grown in the last three years.
Until next week, sending positivity and light to all of you out there.