Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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Fiction Editor, Finalist, and Best Small Fictions Reading

Last year, I decided to start being more actively involved in the literary magazine and journal world by applying for reading positions, to start, and hoping to work up to editing positions.

When Longleaf Review put the word out that they were looking for a fiction editor, I figured why not try! The worst they could say was no. I was beyond shocked that they wanted to interview me for the position, and when I met Stephanie Trott and Abigail Oswald, I was just blown away with their kindness and care during the interview process.

I will be honest I didn’t think I had a chance but when they offered me the position I was just so grateful. It was hard keeping it secret for so long but here we are!! I am co-fiction editor at a literary magazine! Woohoooo! Please submit your work - the window is open until the end of February!!

And then, I woke up to the news of being a finalist for Fall 2021 Black River Chapbook Competition with Black Lawrence Press! Wish me luck! Even if I don’t win, it’s a good feeling to have even placed.

And finally, my reading for Best Small Fictions 2021 is tomorrow morning (for me) - the details are in the image below! Here’s the link to the Flash Frontier YouTube channel to watch it!

Thank everyone for sharing this journey with me!!