Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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This Year's #The100DayProject And The Rollercoaster of Acceptances and Rejections

My plan for this year’s #The100DayProject is to write a novel in flash, first started in Nancy Stohlman’s workshop. I have all of my table of contents on cards in a big envelope and choose one randomly and write a flash for that day. I hope that by the end of these hundred days I will have a solid bit of writing done and can work on revision and editing.

I also am celebrating an acceptance at Reckon Review for publication on March 21st! Meagan Lucas is a treasure!! March will be a great month with my Smokelong Quarterly publication as well!

And on the downward plunge was a contest rejection this morning. I will be participating in a submission spree this weekend so those babies will be sent right back out again. But that’s another 300 yen going into my rejection cup.

I hope that you all are writing and staying safe! Sending light and love as always and good vibes for those acceptances you’ve been dreaming of…