I Finally Got My Appointments
If you are not aware, Japan has been very behind on vaccinating its population. For a first-world country, it may seem quite shocking that it has taken them this long, but to be honest, this is the normal pace of most bureaucratic decision making - even when lives are on the line.
They rolled out the vaccination vouchers by age group which meant I would be waiting for the 90+, 80s, 70s, 60s and 50s to get theirs first. Then they miraculously offered vaccinations through the school that I work for so instead of waiting for my voucher and then trying to schedule an appointment for late July (after the Olympics have already started), I could get one sooner with the rest of the staff.
I waited two weeks from the news of that to finally receive my dates for Mid July and mid August. It’s sooner than if I had done it with my voucher but not by much. I will not be vaccinated by the Olympics and I don’t even know if I will be able to go anywhere this summer - although I will certainly try to go camping if I can.
I am going to try to celebrate the fact that now I can at least be able to leave my house to go somewhere NOT work or the grocery store… But until I am healed from the second shot, I am just gonna keep myself in a holding pattern.