Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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Reading and Writing My Life Away

This week I started officially as a reader for Uncharted Mag. It is and has been a challenge. I tend to be a big cheerleader and not overly critical of the things I read in general. I feel like I need a refresher course in craft and the terms used for it. I don’t even write with the idea of craft and the tools we use. It’s more extemporaneous. That being said, I think being a reader will definitely make me a better writer.

I also got a pretty awesome acceptance at Sledgehammer Lit for two of my stories this week so yay for good news! And on the good news front, I was given a free entry to a short fiction contest which totally made my day. Don’t think I will place but it's really nice to be recognized as someone who they might want work from. I did write a completely new story for it so I will ALWAYS take that as a win.

My 100 days of flash is still going. I will finish on May 10 but I really think that I will keep writing every day. I think that if I set it up so that I have something specific to work on like more flash prompts, workshops, maybe a novel or memoir chapbook I will be able to continue this daily practice. I’m actually feeling really good about it.