Yay For Publications!!
So much good stuff happening (and much needed)! I know that I spent basically years lamenting my continuous rejections and feeling inadequate and not worthy of even trying to get my work published, but in the last two months I have almost cleared my Submittable queue with acceptances which I thought would be a Sisyphean feat.
So, today is a celebration of my current and future publications.
“A Primo Place to Stay” at The Citron Review
“Da Pier” at The SFWP Quarterly
“tangerine” at FEED
“Any Kine Boy” at Rigorous
“Another Night on da Kona Pier” at The Island Review
“We No Get Slopes” at Waxwing
“To Ever Love One Girl” at Milk Candy Review
So today I toast my accomplishments and shower my gratitude on all of these journals for taking my work and publishing it!!