Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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Finally! I Can Work From Home!

Lotta exclamation points there but it’s needed.

My city finally started to allow the school staff to rotate their days at school so I am allowed to work from home up to three days a week.

I have been so stressed, constantly worried about getting sick or someone getting sick because I was at work. It wears you down.

That being said… I was hilariously told not to leave my house during my work at home days. I wanted to laugh hysterically. I don’t even want to leave my house to go to work or the grocery store. I don’t trust other people to be safe. The teacher I sit next to actually told me she wanted to go for a drive during the weekend. I asked her if it was just a drive (no getting out of the car) and she said no I will stop at a store. What? I can’t even comment on it to her face even though I find it so irresponsible.

So I will just say I am grateful that I can stay home. Hoping that next week I will be able to do it again.