Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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Another Art and Ukulele Challenge

November was kind of playing catch-up on my #30dayukulelechallenge. I finally completed it and am going through it again with this beauty.

Enya Feather Solid Mahogany Blue! So pretty! So fingerprinty lol

I will start the next ukulele challenge - the #UkeReading Challenge. That should be fun.

I have also started another illustration workshop with skillshare where I created this fun little drawing.

Just a little urn under the sea

I also got nominated for Best Microfiction for To Ever Love One Girl which I am really excited about!! So yay for good news!

I am still pondering the YouTube idea. I just don’t know if I am ready for that kind of exposure. Maybe I will keep thinking on it for a bit. Until then, art and music shall fill my days.