Melissa Llanes Brownlee

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Why is writing so hard? I have most definitely come off the high of NaNoWriMo. All that amazing productivity that I was so proud of has left me floundering in the miasma of revision, editing and self-doubt.

These last five months, I have been trying to revise just one of the stories I had written. I’m beginning to think that I am just a one-trick pony, that I am only capable of writing about Hawaii. Intellectually, I know that this isn’t true, but it’s hard to resist that siren call of why the fuck do you think that you are a writer…

I don’t want to sound like I am whining (I know that I am), but why is writing so damn hard? I know that it takes time. I know that I have to keep working at it. I know that eventually I will complete each story. But knowing all of this doesn’t make the process any easier.

I guess all I can do is just keep trying. And really that's all I can do.